boat people

[bəut ˈpi:pl]
  • 释义
  • 船民,乘船外逃的难民;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Thousands of boat people were drowned, many of them children.

    数以千计的船民被淹死, 其中许多是小孩.

  • 2、

    According to him near the boat people to understand that no boat accident.


  • 3、

    An absolute worst case would be radical political unrest and five million boat people.


  • 4、

    But a recent increase in numbers of boat people has reignited the issue.


  • 5、

    Because of these social connections, he always sided with the boat people.

    由于这些社会习惯的联系, 他的行为处事是靠在水上人一边的.
